Selecting A Winning Craps Table

Selecting A Winning Craps Table

Blog Article

You’ve decided on which Casino 바카라사이트추천 to attack, now how do you decide on which Craps table to play?

Of course, your first consideration will be the table odds. The more the merrier! That’s true ONLY if the table odds of any given table fits within this session’s bankroll.. that is the portion of your bankroll currently assigned to this one session. Selecting a high odds table (like 10X) does not mean that you must bet at that level, but if it fits within your session’s bankroll, by all means do! Taking advantage of the odds like this is the best way to “even” the playing field by removing the built-in, huge house advantage that the Casino enjoys at the other games.

So, assuming all things being equal (all the open tables fit within your bankroll’s parameters), let’s pick a table…

Some are crowded, some are nearly empty of players, and some are totally devoid of players.

Which looks like the best table for you?

I could go into a long dissertation based upon what kind of bettor you are in order to make this decision, but I won’t!

I could discuss noise vs. silence = winning vs. losing, but I won’t!

I will say this: The dice have NO memory.

Understand? Many don’t – The Dice have NO memory.

Put another way: Each and Every roll of the dice has a random result totally free from ANY and ALL previous rolls. By the way, you should have a good understanding of the true odds of any given roll. You can get the chart at many Craps websites.

Therefore, logic tells me that what has been rolled recently plays NO role in picking a table on which you can win money.

What about Hot vs Cold?

If you’re a “right bettor”, you instinctively would not want a cold table… BUT, the dice have NO memory.

If you’re a “wrong bettor”, you probably avoid hot tables… BUT, the dice have NO memory.

Some bettors believe very strongly in superstitions, and I say: That’s fine! Picking a table based upon superstion is fine.

Selecting a table based upon noise (or lack of) is fine!

Selecting a Hot or Cold table is fine!

My reason for selecting a table is very simple: I pick one where the position that I prefer is available! That’s all – no big scientific reason…

because truth be known – it just doesn’t matter!!!! … and why? Because, (say it with me): The Dice Have No Memory!

Much more important is knowing when to LEAVE that table for another.

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